Labor Law
HR management is one of the toughest challenges for foreign investors in China and Asia-Pacific. This challenge arises from great cultural differences, a very dynamic business environment with high turnover of skilled employees, aggressive competition by local and international players: taking good care of your team is difficult, yet crucial to improve efficiency and enhance performance.
Labor regulations are usually protective towards employees. This imposes a burden on employers to justify any dismissal or job re-adjustment decisions, even in cases of serious misconduct by the employees.
Labor regulation compliance is a fundamental business tool as it allows achieving:
- good HR management;
- more freedom to take HR choices;
- greater control of internal affairs;
- prevention of internal conflict of interests;
- avoid employee misconducts (harassment, bribery, etc.)
HFG key services
- Drafting / revising labor contracts
- Drafting / revising company labor handbook & policies
- Drafting / revising R&D personnel/invention ownership
- Internal corporate policies (confidentiality, conflict of interests, internal controls, etc.)
- Non-competition breach
- Labor arbitration and litigation